Homeschool Anchor Charts

A tool to help me teach important lessons, anchor charts are fun and engaging!

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What are anchor charts?

If you look up anchor charts on Google or Pinterest, you’ll come across these teacher-made charts that look like interactive posters. That’s usually what teachers refer to as an “anchor chart”.

They can be on any given subject or topic, making it a fun way to learn a new concept. They hold important concepts about a lesson or anything you’re trying to teach. You can keep them however long you want, because they are drawn/written on paper versus a white board or chalk board. They can have pictures or images (I like to print mine since I can’t draw well), post it notes, and all kinds of neat things.

Here’s an example:


Example of an anchor chart for adjectives.

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I use what looks like a giant pad of paper to make my anchor charts and secure it to the moveable white board I have. It makes it easy for me and the kids. Here’s some anchor chart paper on Amazon, it’s pretty basic, but it’s a cheap version to get you started:

Here’s the anchor chart paper that we use. It has lines and comes in a big multi-pack. It’s more expensive, but I won’t have to buy any more paper for years. It also has the holes at the top for me to hang on my white board (you can see it in the video below).

Anchor Charts and how I use them

Here’s a video that shows what anchor charts are and how I use them. I even show you an example of my personal anchor chart for Apologia’s science class for my 6th grader.

Enjoy, my friends.

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, Watch this Youtube video from my Homeschooling channel!


Simple Plan Homeschool Planner (2023 Ed)


The Homeschool Slump