Autumn Ambience in your Homeschool

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Fall Ambience Video for Relaxation

I have an addiction to ambience videos. Almost everyday (weekends included), I have some kind of ambience video on.

Rainy day outside? Thunderstorm video.

Sunny day? Coffee shop ambience.

Christmas time? Christmas ambience with twinkling lights!

But then I had a thought…I’m a Youtube creator. I can make these myself and create beautiful scenes to share with you!

Of course, these are free to you on Youtube!

Autumn Ambience

Here is my first autumn ambience video. It’s a cozy autumn ambience scene on the most gorgeous porch.

Like these kinds of videos? Let me know! I’ll be sure to make more for you (all free, of course).

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,



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