FREE Classes from Compass Classroom

Compass Classroom is offering a free trial of their Premium Membership (no credit card required) so you and your kids can explore all their wonderful classes with no risk. We're doing it right now, too!

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Try Compass Classroom for FREE

I recently signed up to get several weeks of free classes from a new-to-us homeschool curriculum, Compass Classroom.

I don’t know about you, but as a mom of a middle schooler and high schooler, I struggle to teach ALL the classes. I started looking into outsourcing a few courses to get a little relief.

I had a couple conditions, though. I wanted the courses to be both Biblically solid and academically challenging. It’s also important that the courses be interesting and enjoyable to my kids.

Try Compass Classroom for free, no credit card required. They offer classes in history, philosophy, economics, literature, and more.

The classes are computer based, which makes things really easy on me as a parent.

The instructors are very gifted teachers and my kids seem to really enjoy the lessons. The lessons themselves are short and sweet.

One of the best parts is how economical it is. The classes offer downloads of the books (e-books) OR you can purchase the textbooks. That saved me bookoo bucks this year when signing the kids up for their classes.

The premium membership trial was very useful, as we got to explore all the classes and figure out which ones we wanted to sign the kids up for. My husband and I got to sit down and go through the classes, read the books, and listen to the instructors ourselves. We made a night of it and it was fun!

I really wish I had some of these teachers when I was their age…just sayin’.

What we love about Compass Classroom

We found Compass Classroom recently and fell in love with the classes. We’ve been trying out the Premium Membership (where we get to try ALL of their classes for a limited time) and it’s been fun exploring. The benefit of the premium membership is that we get to try the classes and figure out which ones our kids connect with and really want to dive into…and we got to do it for FREE (and so can you!).

With the link below, you can try them out just like I did for a month, absolutely free. No credit card required. It was a great way to see if my kids connected with the courses and enjoyed with with zero investment.

My middle schooler is excelling in Visual Latin. My oldest is really excited to start Philosophy and Economics. I’ve even signed them up for courses next year!

They also have classes in history, science, reading, music, and more available for your children.

Visual Latin by Compass Classroom

My 6th grader is taking Visual Latin and absolutely loves it. After just a few weeks, he was speaking full sentences! He’s never taken a Latin class before, so it was all brand new to him. He loves this class so much that we enrolled him for next year after doing the trial.

Your kids are going to love these classes! Compass Classroom has courses that are theologically rich, true to Scripture, and intellectually challenging for my children. I feel we made a great choice with them for next year.

I hope you try the membership out like we did.

It’s totally free, so you have nothing to lose.

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, Watch this Youtube video from my Homeschooling channel!


Generations American History


Middle School Literature Class OPEN for Enrollment