Plan Your First Day of Homeschool!

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Plan Your First Day of Homeschool!

It’s about that time of year where I need to start planning my first day of homeschool again. This can be a hard process for new homeschool families, and fill parents with fear, excitement, or anxiety. Regardless of how you feel about it now, we have to mark that “first day of homeschool” date on the calendar and start school. Now, I’m fully enjoying my summer right now, but I still had to mark our first day date this week.

I have 4 ways to start planning that first day of homeschool on your calendar for you. These are the 4 steps that I personally take every single year to plan my families start date.


First Day of Homeschool, Here we Come!

I hope you love this video and it’s helpful for planning your first day!

Don’t let first day of school anxiety get you. We all get nervous, I know I sure do at least. But once the first day is over, it gets easier. It’s really just the build up to the first day. It’s new curriculum and schedules, and all the “things”. Don’t dwell on it and make it fun.

Take pictures, have a special breakfast or lunch, and play a game. We will all get through the first day of homeschool together, friends.

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, Watch this Youtube video from my Homeschooling channel!


Homeschooling vs Public School; Neutral Education Debate


I Don’t Teach Every Homeschool Class. Here’s Why.