Generations World History

History of the World by Generations homeschool curriculum review.
I was not paid by Generations for this review, nor do I work for them. The opinions below and in my videos are all mine. I paid for this curriculum myself.

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History of the World

In our facebook group, one of the biggest topics is Generations homeschool curriculum. With good reason, too. They are a fantastic curriculum company, and a personal favorite of mine (if you can’t tell).

One of the main questions asked right now pertains to their World History curriculum, History of the world.

The question everyone has is this; Is History of the World a Bible curriculum, or a World History curriculum? Scroll on to find the answer (in the video as well).

I did something I’ve never, ever done before.

I bought a curriculum I did not need just to answer your questions. 🙃

Video Answer to Generations History of the World

My family’s favorite homeschool curriculum is Generations. Generations homeschool curriculum is a Biblically solid, affordable curriculum that your entire family will love. From Bible curriculum to history, every book is filled with God’s truth and fun activities to enhance your child’s learning. For more information, click the button below, or check out the video reviews on my Youtube.

The answer; it’s both.

This is a comprehensive world history class, hands down. It’s high school level (grades 9-12) and comes with 2 textbooks and a student/teacher book.

Flipping through all 3 books, it’s obvious you get both classes here.

Also, as I mention in the video, you can’t have world history without Christ. This is God’s world, so it’s only natural that Christ is woven into every page. How can you tell the story of the world without the one who made it?

I genuinely adore my friends in my homeschool group. So if there’s a question many people have, and I can find out the answer, I’ll do what it takes to figure it out.

Even purchasing curriculum with my own money that I don’t need, because I honestly do care and want you to succeed in educating your kids.

I’m going to shelf this curriculum and I may eventually use it down the road.

High School Bundle from Generations Homeschool Curriculum

Generations is Fantastic

I wanted to tell my homeschool mom friends about this one, just as my homeschool mom friend shared it with me. When we find these rare gems, we want to share them with everyone.

As a curriculum reviewer, and user, I wholeheartedly recommend Generations. It’s sparked so many fruitful conversations. I know you’ll love this one as much as we do.

You can check out all their curriculum here:

We’re so happy with Generations and I’m so thankful for this Biblically solid curriculum.

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, Watch this Youtube video from my Homeschooling channel!


God Made Life Science; Generations Homeschool Review


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