Homeschooling is Hard

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Homeschooling is hard.

It’s not easy. In fact, some days, it’s really, really hard.

When I first started thinking about homeschooling, I went to YouTube to listen to real moms doing real homeschool. It was so uplifting and encouraging. They made me feel like I could really do this, and I wasn’t alone.

Maybe that’s how you found me and my YouTube channel.

But I feel like it’s too easy for us YouTube moms to talk about the good days. If we’re being realistic, we ALL have bad days. Yes, even me. Yes, even the YouTubers who look like everything is sunshine and rainbows.

I guarantee you she’s had bad days, too.

I have an action plan, though. See the video below.

Watch the Short Pep Talk

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, Watch this Youtube video from my Homeschooling channel!


Generations Homeschool Curriculum Cyber Monday Sale! 50% OFF!


I can’t homeschool because…