Homeschool Curriculum Box Day with My Father's World

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Next to Christmas, my favorite day of the year is curriculum box day. It's a holiday for homeschool moms. Don't believe me? Ask the first homeschool mom you meet and she'll gush over box day.

What is "box day", you ask?

Box Day is when the homeschool curriculum we spent months agonizing over finally arrives and we get to open it.

When the boxes arrived, I started posting pictures to my instagram. I was instantly flooded with messages and that's when I realized that I was not alone in my excitement. Almost all homeschool moms love and enjoy box day.

So why not share the excitement?

This year, I decided to unbox my videos with you, my friends.

Creation to the Greeks Grade 5 Unboxing

Grade 9 My Father’s World Unboxing


A few points

1. This is just PART of the entire curriculum.

2. Yes, I’m adding in other subjects like Language Arts, Science and Math.

3. I will film an entire overview for both my kids and have it up soon.

I can't wait to get the rest of the curriculum filmed and get an entire overview of what we're going to be using next year.

All the boxes just arrived over the last week, so I’m getting my materials together.

There’s still so much to do, but right now, I’m just sitting in a pile of books, happy as a clam.

The best part? My kids are excited.

That's the best that a mom could ask for, right?

Happy Homeschooling!

Until next time...Soli Deo gloriaMandy


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