Sanity Saving Homeschool Tips

Let’s face it; homeschooling is hard. Here are some practical things I do to help me keep my sanity in our home.

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Homeschooling Making you Crazy?

It’s that time of year….the January slump.

It’s cold, we’re not outside as much, it may be snowing or sleeting, Christmas break is over, and now it’s back to the grind. It’s really easy to get into the sad, slow January depression.

I tend to buckle down a little bit more this time of year.

Our mid-term grades are due and we are switching out our elective classes.

But what else can we do to keep moving forward this time of year and not loose steam?

Here’s some things I do to keep my sanity…

The Key to Our Homeschool

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, Watch this Youtube video from my Homeschooling channel!


Do We Have to Finish the Homeschool Curriculum?


No More Mom Guilt