Providence through an Organization Book

How a book on Organization convicted and changed me.

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Life Unorganized

For the last 6 months, my life has been different. It started a year ago with an ache in my back at the end of the day. Then the ache started in the middle of the day, and lasted until I went to bed. By January of 2024, I could barely stand for 10-15 minutes without intense, sharp pain in my spine. I was essentially confined to the couch or my bed, taking only short walks to the kitchen or bathroom. My husband and kids did all they could to help.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I’ve been battling chronic illness for a long time now (I have RA, Lupus, and AS). It seems that every time I get a grip on one thing, something else happens.

What was it? Why was this happening to me? My rheumatologist told me in January (after x-rays and taking more blood than I thought I could give without dying) that I have a condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis. It’s a moderate to severe form of arthritis in my spine and hips. I’m still learning about it, but all I can really tell you is that it hurts. A lot. It upended my home life, and I’ve basically had to learn how to walk again.

I started pretty intense medication that seemed to help a little, but I was still really struggling until I tried the AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet. After 4 months of biologics and 2 months of the AIP diet, I can walk again. I’m not 100%, but I’ve slowly regained the ability to seem normal, walk around, exercise, and even run on my treadmill.

Now, why do I tell you all of this? Imagine as a mom being essentially “grounded” to the couch for over 5 months. Imagine what that would do to every aspect of your life, including the state of your home. I feel like my life was turned upside down for a while, and now I can start putting the pieces back in order again.

God made the world for a purpose. He made us for a purpose. God’s purpose for us is to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. We begin that forever call here and now, in this life, in the midst of our day-to-day work.
— Mystie Winckler

A Book came in the Mail

I received an email one afternoon from Mystie Winckler from Simply Convivial, about a book she had written called “Simplified Organization”. Her book looked like something I’d enjoy, and it was about homemaking, so I replied and she sent it my way to read and review.

If you watch my book review videos, you may have seen my video for June. In that video, I talk about the book “How to Read a Book” on the Cannon Plus app. I listened to that book and one of the books the author recommends we read is books about our profession. My “profession” is a homemaker. Mystie just happened to send the email right around that time and I knew I had to get her book. Providence, right? The Lord is so good to us, friends.

What I didn’t expect was the conviction and inspiration I’d feel within the first few pages.

As much as people will disagree with me on this, conviction isn’t a bad thing. I felt it through every chapter. It was the kind of conviction that inspired me to change, though. I’m starting small, but I’m starting to implement changes that I needed to make here at home to make my life and home more functional for myself and my family.

Mystie had no idea how much I needed her book when she contacted me, but the Lord did. He knew I needed that book and knew when I needed that book. Now that my life is finding it’s new normal, I can rebuild again.

Simplified Organization

Learn to love what must be done ❤️

Heavenly glory is a homemaker’s vision.
— Mystie Winckler

The Homemaker’s Devotional

Between the pages, we see Christ everywhere. This isn’t just about organizing your bookshelves, this is about your attitude and changing your heart. With the use of Scripture, Mystie takes us through her own journey of learning to be a housewife and organizing her home. I really felt like she was talking about me, as I was much like her in childhood.

Her tips on organizing are secondary to the relationship we form with Christ and our families. Mystie even wove catechism questions into her book! It’s so rich with theology and God’s word, that it feels in a way like a homemaker’s devotional.

Currently, I’m a little less than halfway through her book. I’m reading and underlining and highlighting all over this paperback. There is so much meat in this book, and I don’t want to miss a single sentence.

My New Way Forward

Life looks different today than it did 18 months ago. In some ways, it’s better. In some ways, it’ll never be the same and I’ve almost mourned the things I’ve lost. I know things will never be like they were, but that isn’t the point of life. I also know the Lord is sanctifying me through this process.

Mystie’s book is healing, convicting, and the perfect book for me at the moment. I’m so grateful that the Lord saw this need and met me here for it. I’m so thankful she reached out and sent me this book.

I’m going to savor every sentence of this book, and then order her book on homeschooling the second I’m done.

I highly recommend this book to all the other moms and homemakers out there. Trust me, you want this book.

Huge thank you to Mystie Winckler for sending this to me. You had no idea how much I needed this book, and needed the words of Christ, at the moment you sent it.

I’m off to go binge her YouTube channel (Simply Convivial) now.

Soli Deo Gloria ❤️

Perfection isn’t the goal. Sanctification is.
— Mystie Winckler

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, watch this Youtube video from my channel!


I Broke Up with my Phone