9 Reasons Why We Switched to My Father's World Curriculum
My Father’s World Homeschool Curriculum Review
For the 2020-2021 school year, we chose to buy My Father’s World homeschool curriculum as our spine. After years of searching, planning, trying out different variations….My Father’s World is where we have landed. I made a video (see at the bottom of this post) on my channel discussing why we made this huge change, and why I’m so content now. I’ve used everything from Masterbooks curriculum to Abeka. I feel like we have sampled almost every type and brand out there. After researching, using free samples, shopping at used curriculum stores, and even buying bits and pieces, we came full circle back to My Father’s World.
My Father’s World Coupon Code
Save on My Father’s World Curriculum today with my referral code. Use code W082982 at checkout!
When we first began our homeschool journey in 2015, I bought Exploring Countries and Cultures and God’s World from A to Z from My Father’s World. I had a kindergartner and a 4th grader. I was completely new to the homeschool world, and a boxed curriculum seemed the least scary to me.I even did a video review of MFW’s Kindergarten curriculum, God’s World from A to Z, on my channel. You can view it below. We had so much fun with this curriculum! This was one of the very first videos I made for my channel, so it’s a little rough around the edges.
Since that year, we tried out different approaches to curriculum. I found that I’m naturally very eclectic when it comes to homeschool curriculum. I like to take things that I know work for my children and put it together. For example, I know that they both love Teaching Textbooks for math, which is an online curriculum for math, grades 3-12. They love and enjoy math because of this curriculum, and I forsee us using it until they graduate.
When I first started My Father’s World, we loved everything except for the Language Arts. My oldest especially wasn’t doing well with it. I didn’t realize back then, as a newbie homeschooler, that I could simply switch out that subject for another one. In hindsight, I wish I had researched that more. What I ended up doing was switching everything for Abeka and Teaching Textbooks…and trying out different brands of curriculum with my kids to see what fit them best. I knew Abeka Language Arts was working for him, but we didn’t enjoy the history, Bible, or science.
So Why Did We Switch Back to My Father’s World?
After figuring out what works for Language Arts and Math, that left Bible, History, and Science (along with art, music, etc.). I read Sarah Mackenzie’s book, The Read Aloud Family, and knew I wanted to go with a more Charlotte Mason approach. Reading is important to me, as a mother and educator, and I wanted my children to experience that same love of reading that I had (and still do as an adult). When I started looking at homeschool curriculums that build a fondness for reading, focus on Charlotte Mason principles, and are built upon the foundation of Christ, two choices kept coming up; My Father’s World and Sonlight.
My Father’s World Homeschool for Year 2021-2022
My Father’s World Creation to the Greeks for the 2021-2022 school year!
After agonizing over this decision for a year, I let my boys pick which one they would rather have. Both of them chose My Father’s World easily and quickly. My youngest, who did the kindergarten program with MFW back in 2015, loved the way Exploring Countries and Cultures was laid out. My youngest loves fun, colorful curriculum where he can learn and express himself. My oldest liked the way the high school program looked, and easily chose his program. My oldest is going into 8th grade, but we are looking ahead to high school. He enjoyed the book selection in Exploration to 1850, and quickly decided on that.
Top 9 Reasons Why We Love My Father's World Curriculum
1. First and foremost, Christ is the center. In history, readers, art, music, and of course, Bible, Christ is at the center. Everything flows out from that point. They even memorize a book of the Bible in many years of the curriculum.
2. I can swap out Language Arts for Abeka, since I already know their Language Arts program works well with my kids.
3. Family style learning. Although my kids are a little too far apart to enjoy this, many families enjoy buying on year of MFW and being able to use it for multiple children. Just buy separate student sheets (one set per child), and it will save you so much money.
4. The teacher’ manual is already done and filled out for me for the entire year. Hello, easy school year! I love the teacher’s manual for My Father’s World. It’s perfect for a new homeschool mom who might be intimidated with the thought of lesson planning. It’s also perfect for the work-at-home momma like me, who may not have a lot of extra time to craft lesson plans.
5. History is learned in a timeline fashion, where they spend a year learning one part in history, and flow to the next part of history in the following year.
6. Customer service from My Father’s World. Not only were they exceptional over the phone, but when they saw that chose 1850 to Modern curriculum, they called me before shipping my order out and told me that my son might be a little lost because we had not completed Exploration to 1850 first (they are a 2 part curriculum). I never would have known that until it was too late, and really appreciated them calling me. They also phone their customers during the year just to check on you and make sure you’re doing okay, or to pray with you on the phone. They are a fantastic company.
7. Apologia science is used! We love Apologia science, so this was a great fit for us all around.
8. My Father’s World can be considered a “boxed curriculum”, meaning that you can use it as a one stop shop for every subject, or you can buy one piece at a time. When you buy the main packages, you typically receive Bible, History, Science, Readers, Music, and Art. All you need to add (in most sets) is Language Arts and Math (they offer their own to add on, or you can purchase whatever brand you want separately. It’s your choice!).
9. Finally, this is the homeschool curriculum we had the most fun with, by far. Our favorite homeschool year was year 1 with My Father’s World. I’m so excited to start a new year with them again.
Until next time...Soli Deo GloriaMandy
See more on why we switched here…