Generations Homeschool Curriculum; Mid-Year Review

We found our new favorite homeschool curriculum, Generations.

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Generations Homeschool Curriculum

If you’ve been a follower of mine over the last six months, I’m sure you’ve probably heard me talk about Generations homeschool curriculum. I found them over the summer last year, and after checking out their books from a friend of mine who uses them, I was sold.

I bought everything I could for my kids. I was sold on it pretty fast.

Now, I’ve jumped in head first with other companies before and really regretted it 3 months later. Live and learn, right? This time, however, I was really pleased.

We are 6 months into Generations, and I couldn’t be happier. My husband, my kids, all of us love this curriculum. In fact, I have no major complaints at all about it. I tried, really tried, to find something I didn’t like just for the video’s sake, but really….I didn’t come up with anything.

I wanted to give a proper video review on Generations curriculum, and show you one of the cool project boards my 6th grader created for his mid-term history grade. He had such a fun time putting this together for his class, Taking Jesus for Europe.

Generations Mid Year Update

The projects, the books, the quality (oh, the quality of these books!), the conversations we have as a family about each subject, the rich theology….I honestly can’t say I’ve loved a curriculum company as much as this one.

If the rich, biblical theology doesn’t sell you on this, the price will. You get so much for what you pay…which is very little in comparison to most curriculum companies. I think that’s what floored us the most. We save so much money shopping with Generations.

We’ve learned so much as a family and as individuals through the books we’ve purchased.

If you’re on my email list, then I send out reminders to you when they have a sale on their already crazy-low book prices. I ordered twice during the last few sales to stock up for next year.

Check out the video above, and head on over to Generations’ homeschool curriculum section today to check them out.

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, Watch this Youtube video from my Homeschooling channel!


The Homeschool Slump


I wasn’t prepared for this to happen