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Homeschool Prep Day

When most people think about Saturday plans, I’m sure that resting and relaxing are top priorities.

At my house, it’s a prep day.

Prep days are a massive help to me throughout the week. In fact, without my prep day, I think I would be a disorganized mess Monday through Friday. My homeschool would be in disarray, and my home would be a mess.

So, what is it that I do?


My Saturday Homeschooling Prep Routine

Homeschool Routine for Weekends

I’ve been doing this homeschool routine (or, the prep routine) for years. It’s just second nature to me these days.

Call me crazy, but it’s also relaxing to me. I love being a wife, homemaker, and mother. It’s where I thrive and brings me great joy.

Saturday mornings are usually full of me making a big brunch for all the boys (husband included, obviously). I make something new every Saturday. I love looking for something during the week in cookbooks or on my favorite chef websites. I find something I think they’ll like. In the video above, I made homemade pop tarts, and last week I made breakfast tacos.

Both of which are now going into our meal rotation. They were fantastic!

In the afternoons, I have a routine of cleaning, planning, and homeschool prep. I do everything from massive lesson planning for the week, to cleaning the homeschool room (if needed), setting out experiment supplies, art supplies, and the like.

I also clean the house.

Sunday’s are usually pretty packed with church activities, so I can’t count on getting much done those days. Those days we dedicate to the Lord and church. It’s also a rest day, of course.

Take a peek at my video and you can see my routine in action!

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, Watch this Youtube video from my Homeschooling channel!


Middle School Reading Motivation


Middle School Homeschool Curriculum; Reading