Homeschool Schedule; Soft Start

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Our Family’s Homeschool Schedule; Weeks 1-2

We did something a bit different this year with our homeschool schedule.

Admittedly, I wasn’t ready to start school this year. This is a bit off the norm for me, as I’m usually the one who is more than ready for the first day.

With back to back family visits, sports schedules, and just the lazy dog days of summer happening…I wasn’t ready. Alas, the days ticked by and I needed to get started.

So we bit the bullet, but, I decided to do something a bit different.

We did a “soft start” to our schedule.


I can hear so many of you right now…”but Mandy, what is a soft start?”. I got you.

What is a soft start homeschool scheduling?

A soft start is basically where you start school but you don’t do ALL of your subjects.

This looks different for every family. Maybe you will deicide to do your 4 main subjects (math, science, language arts, history), or maybe you’ll want your homeschool schedule to look a little more sparse with just 2 of them (like math and language arts).

Some families base their homeschooling schedule around just art and reading for a few weeks. This is perfectly fine. If you start early enough, you can do any kind of homeschool daily schedule that you and your kids want to do. The sky is the limit.

You Have a Choice; Public school vs Homeschool

As parents, we’re blessed with the choice of education for our children. Our kids have to be educated, but we get to decide by whom and where. Will it be the state, private school, or homeschool? Public school vs homeschool is a huge debate in the Christian world. I can tell you, as a former teacher, I wouldn’t put my kids in public school. I’ve never regretted the decision.

Many times, I get private messages from professing Christians asking me for secular or neutral curriculum. I have no such suggestions. As a Christian family, we don’t use curriculum that comes from a secular worldview. Why? Are we trying to brainwash our kids? Not necessarily.

Your children will go to public school and they will be trained for somewhere around 15,000 hours in ungodly secular thought. And then they’ll go to Sunday school and they’ll color a picture of Noah’s ark. And you think that’s going to stand against the lies that they are being told?
— Paul Washer

But, this doesn’t happen at my school! We have Christian teachers!

I hear this multiple times a week. I get it, I really do. I was one of those “Christian teachers”. I was also under the constant threat of losing my job if I didn’t teach the state mandated curriculum, or if I spoke about my faith (and this was 15-20 years ago). There’s not much Christian teachers can do unless they are teaching in a Christian school. Even if they believe Christ is the messiah, it’s not like they can say it or disciple your kids. They’d lose their jobs for that.

”Okay, but our school isn’t woke yet”
You sure? Really sure?

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,


Now, Watch this Youtube video from my Homeschooling channel!


Homeschool Hater Silliness (and how to handle them)


First Day of Homeschool 2022-2023