How to Homeschool | Video Course for Parents

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I’ve talked to hundreds of parents who ask me the same question; how to homeschool. They want and desire to homeschool, but many quit and give up before they even start. I want to help you prevent that.

I figured something out long ago about why parents often give up on homeschooling. They think they want to homeschool, and get REALLY excited. Moms and dads sit down at the computer and google “how to get started homeschooling” and “How to be a homeschool teacher”. Thousands of resources pop up! Then, they get completely overwhelmed by 1,000 curriculum choices (which has you LOST right from the beginning), YouTube videos, and blog posts. 

How to Homeschool

How to Homeschool

Right away, the feeling of overwhelm and inadequacy take over. 

“How am I supposed to do this? I don’t know how to pick curriculum, I’m NOT A TEACHER!

Sound familiar?

This happened to several of my own personal friends, and they put their kids back into school. Once that happened, they felt SO defeated and guilty. 

What if I could stop that from happening to you and your child?

Homeschooling is supposed to be a relaxed, happy atmosphere. Instead, the amount of information, and sometimes just WRONG information, floating on the internet is just too much. Parents have so much to shoulder already, and I want to make this easy.  As a former teacher, I understand how most of this works and quite frankly…the internet over-complicates 99% of homeschool education. This leads to parents feeling defeated and unequipped to teach. This is wrong, and I’m here to change that! 

My course will take out that anxiety for you, equip you with the right information, and not overwhelm you with 1,000 curriculum choices. 

It’s simple, straight forward, instruction that leads you down a path to educational success. 

Homeschool Training Course

My brand new, how to homeschool course for parents is now available!

You’ll learn the basics of setting up your homeschool (and how to become a homeschool teacher, if need be).

  1. How to instruct your children (you’ll even see me do a full Abeka lesson with my 4th grader).

  2. How to homeschool multiple kids at the same time.

  3. How to navigate picking curriculum for your family.

  4. Home management while homeschooling.

  5. How I work and homeschool at the same time (I get pretty personal here).

  6. Bonuses full of downloadable resources (so you don’t have to create any documents yourself!

  7. Links for buying and selling your curriculum all over the internet (the GOOD places!)

  8. An exclusive Facebook group just for my homeschool course students to ask questions

  9. So much more.

How to start homeschooling Course Link (click here)

Look Inside!

Watch this video to see a look inside the training course and what you’ll learn!

Learn how to homeschool today at this link!

Soli Deo Gloria,



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