Win 2 Free Books from Night Zookeeper!

Hey friends!

Today I have some exciting news. Night Zookeeper reached out to me and wanted me to give 2 free books to my readers. How exciting! These books are some of my 10 year old’s FAVORITE books.

We bought the series for our son, Jacob, this past Christmas. There’s 4 books (so far) in the series. Jake read through all 4 books in less than a month.

Enter to Win

If you want to enter to win, it’s super simple.

  1. Signup at the link here:

  2. I’ll announce the winner THIS WEEK!

  3. If you win, Night Zookeeper will email you with details on getting your books.

Good luck! I hope you win! These are such great books for kids.

Until next time,

Soli Dio Gloria,



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