10 Unique Homeschool Socialization Ideas

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10 Unique Homeschool Socialization Ideas

If you need some homeschool socialization ideas, I’ve got you. I’ve got 10 new, unique ideas for you to get out and meet other homeschool families, moms, and kids, or just people in your community.

Homeschooling and Socialization

Socialization has become quite an area of contention in recent years. Many people who dislike homeschooling will cite “socialization” as the reason why. Homeschoolers are weird and unsocialized, they argue. Honestly, this just isn’t true. My children are more socialized than their public school peers.

How do you socialize your homeschool kids? There are so many ways.

Every time you’re out and talking with other people, that is socialization. Let’s break this down. Socialization doesn’t just happen when kids are in a classroom setting. Actually, I was told by my teachers that I “wasn’t there to socialize”, and I was there to learn.

So, how DO you socialize? How do you not become a shut-in? You can do this.

Check out 10 ways to socialize your homeschoolers!

I hope these tips help you with your homeschool life!

Until next time,

Soli Deo Gloria,



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